2022 Changing Spaces
December 30, 2021
Looking ahead to 2022, we believe there are three primary spaces in your home that will continue to be a focus in how you use your living spaces: offices spaces, “side hustle” spaces, and outdoor living spaces. Each of these spaces has likely evolved during the last couple of years as we have all spent more time in our homes than we might have previously imagined. We see the trend of spending more time at home continue for 2022, and anticipate a continued push to refresh, design and focus on making these spaces work for you.
Office Spaces
We are working from home, and even with some return to work plans in place, it is likely that some work will continue to be remote at least for the foreseeable future. Having a dedicated work space that you can function in will be essential to your productivity and separating your work from your personal life. Cabinets, filing systems and storage solutions are all great ideas to keep your office organized and you working as effectively as possible.
“Side Hustle” Spaces
With many of us looking at ways to make a little extra income, having a dedicated space for your new passion makes sense. Whether that is a room with lighting to create videos, or a space to organize your schedule you know what will work best for you. Keeping your space clean, bright and organized will help you make your side hustle live up to its hype.
Outdoor Living
Spending more time at home means taking full advantage of both your indoor and your outdoor spaces. Patios have become outdoor kitchens, decks have become retreats with hot tubs or saunas and outdoor furniture has turned social areas into relaxing spaces to connect with family and friends. With travel still being challenging heading into the new year, we envision more of us continuing to find our retreats in our own backyards!
No matter what this new year holds, we look forward to helping you with your projects and to creating spaces that function for all the ways you live your life!